17.23.00 doniapa 0 Comments

Selesai sudah EPICENTER...
gycentium memenangkan angklung..! puisinya kalah... aduh.. kok bisa ya..? padahal doni udah berjuang full power lho...!
terima nasib dah kalo gitu...
eh udah taukan limba puisinya gimana? puisi bahasa inggris, memvisualisasikannya..
poetry visualizationnya bertemakan earthquake.. harus ada kata earthquakenya minimal 1..!
doni n imo ditunjuk saeju jadi pj buat ntu lomba.. trus kita ngajak oji n qoqon juga... lama tuh proses diskusi2nya dari sebelum libur lho... ampe kemaren2 sebelum lomba... 5 harian sebelum lomba akhirnya diputuskan cowo semua deh yg nge-handle, ntar ribet latihannya kalo campur, blum lagi musiknya harus nyolok dimana...
doni + oji rimbukin konsep n bareng azhar ngedit lagu ditambah adhe bikin slide.. tampil deh pada jumat 13 Mei 2011 kemaren... kata teman2 gycen sih keren.. tapi doni ga tau.. coz doni yang baca... :)
mau liat dong,, yang ngerekam... plizz.. hahaha
kemaren diumumin pemenangnya... yah, hasilnya kalah.. foranza yang menang... ambil hikmahnya aja lah kalo gitu...
nih ada puisinya yang mo baca silahkan.. eh as information.. ni puisi bikinan oji lho.. awalnya dalam bahasa indo trus kita translate ke b ing.. minta bantuan juga kesana sini... hahaha.. enjoy this poem guys..:

Just a Small Pebble
Gycentium Credas Disorator

What's this?
What is this?
Is this my happiness?
Are these my dreams?
Nothing left
Disappear without trace
Now, only tears and blood on my hope
Who made this?
Whose fault is this?
Earthquakes, tsunamis, spreading everywhere

No one to blame
No need to find who did it
Look at yourselves!
What have you done so far?!

Now I'm weak
Not dream and give up

Is there a dream to change my life?
Is there any hope that is not delivered?

I believe the dream is still here
Accompanying me to build myself
The wish is still blooming
Beautiful coloring
I will face my future

I have to build it all
I had to get out of the shackles of hope
My step should not stop here
This is all just a small pebble
I should immediately get over it

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